Our Location
The Neighborhood
Fountain Square is located 1 1/2 miles southeast of Downtown Indianapolis and is connected to Downtown by the Indianapolis Cultural Trail. In 1999, Indianapolis officially designated six Cultural Districts: Massachusetts Avenue, Fountain Square, The Canal & White River State Park, Indiana Avenue, the Wholesale District, and Broad Ripple. Cultural Development Commissioners were charged with finding ways to promote the city’s cultural assets and believed the cultural districts could be connected by an urban version of the Monon Trail for both pedestrians and bicyclists.

THe Story
From 2001-2003, $4 million was raised for initial design studies and concepts. In 2004, the City of Indianapolis gave permission to use city right-of-way to build the Trail. The City has continued to be a partner and champion of the Trail. Eugene and Marilyn Glick generously commit $15 million as a lead gift, and in 2007 the ground-breaking of the Trail took place. In 2010, the Trail was awarded a $20.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Transportation and in May 2013, the eight miles of Trail were complete.
Surrounding neighborhoods, including Fletcher Place and Holy Rosary, add to the vibrant life on the trail between Downtown and Fountain Square. Walk the Trail or rent a Pacers Bikeshare bike, kiosks are located right here in Fountain Square as well as throughout the Cultural Trail.